Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: If we have services in place and are not looking to switch carriers, can you still help us?

A: Yes, we can. We will help reduce your current telecom expenses, improve network efficiency and recover any overcharges, even while staying with the same carrier.

Q: How do you charge?

A: Cost Reduction has a Contingency Fee (no savings, no fee).
Service Procurement - No Fee.
Telecom Management - Clients pay us a monthly retainer fee depending on the customized solutions we provide them.

Click here to read more about each service.

Q: How much can I expect to save?

A: In the Cost Reduction process, savings can range from 10% up to an astounding 50% of your annual cellular and telecom expense.

We save you money through Service Procurement and Telecom Management by evaluating options to get you the best services at the lowest prices and then maintain those prices on an ongoing basis.

Q: What if you perform a Cost Reduction audit and find that you can't save us any money?

A: This is a rare occurrence, but in that case you would not be billed for our services. And you will have the confidence that an independent third party verified that you are running your cellular and telecom services efficiently.

Q: Why do you need Telecom Cost Solutions if you already have an Accountant, Telecom Manager, or Information Systems Manager?

A: In most cases, CFO's, accountants, purchasing managers, ISM's, cannot be expected to know the industry, let alone spend the time necessary to achieve the results that our company offers. We are able to provide excellent service in all areas of telecommunications, and provide cost saving recommendations. Companies are finding that out-sourcing their telecommunications needs to Telecom Cost Solutions results in time and money saved.

Q: How are we different from other consultants and auditors?

A: Telecom Cost Solutions covers all areas of your telecommunications services, going beyond auditing and consulting. Not only do we provide unique long-term solutions, we implement these solutions as well. And our service does not stop with the implementation. We provide on going support to help ensure that costs and products used remain solid and competitive.

Q: How long does it take to get a proposal?

A: Usually between 1 and 3 weeks. If your business has multiple locations or a more complex network structure, we will need additional time to thoroughly evaluate your savings.

Q: When will I start seeing the savings from Cost Reduction?

A: It takes about 30 days to implement any changes and those savings appear in the following billing cycle.

Q: We have billing errors. Can you recover charges for us?

A: Yes, we can get credits & refunds for billing errors. We are very familiar with your carrier’s procedures for filing requests and we are experts in getting results in the recovery. We have a long track record of recovering overcharges and reducing shortfall for our customers.

Q: Can we review your telecom bills if you have remote locations?

A: Yes! Telecom Cost Solutions can evaluate all of your telecom expenses nationwide when you provide us with copies of your locations' bills. We are familiar with most of the carriers and billing formats. The majority of our Service Providers provide service nationwide.

Q: Do I have to commit to a term agreement or can Telecom Cost Solutions provide us one time service?

A: A term commitment is not required, but often provides the most savings. We can provide our services on an as needed basis, on a monthly basis or on a term commitment.

Q: We reviewed our telecommunication costs just last year. Why should we look at it again so soon?

A: Technology and user habits are changing on a monthly, and in some cases even weekly basis. Optimization plans affected several months ago may not be appropriate today. You must remain on top of all aspects of your telephone department to ensure maximum return.

Q: Who are your clients?

A: We work with companies large and small. Our clients vary from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. Take a look at Testimonials to see some of the companies we’ve helped.